Miller Jeep Trail

Lockwood Creek / Miller Jeep Trail

August, 2003

The trail covers a lot of ground. You will go up and down the local mountains a few times before you make the final ascent. There is a stream crossing (Lockwood Creek) but I've never seen more than a couple inches of water and it has a smooth gravel bed for crossing. There is a picnic spot about half way through the trail with shade trees and picnic tables. You should check with the ranger station before planning on a campfire or barbecue. The final ascent up Alamo Mtn. is the most difficlut section of the trail. It gets steep, loose and rocky with some potential for hitting the low points and rocker panels pretty hard on stock rigs, but I have seen stock Jeeps make it to the top.

There is a long, wide staging area just before you drop down to cross a small creek and begin the first ascent. You can see the trail running along the edge of the hills in front of you from here.

Pinstriping To Be Expected
Pinstriping To Be Expected
Trail is Dirt & Loose Rocks
Trail is Dirt & Loose Rocks
Shallow Water Crossing
Shallow Water Crossing
Shallow Water Crossing
Shallow Water Crossing
Springtime Flowers
Springtime Flowers
Purple Lupines In Bloom
Purple Lupines In Bloom

The water crossing is usually pretty shallow and easy. In can be deeper in early spring when the snow melt is a factor. In the summer it tends to be fairly shallow and barely makes a splash.