The Rubicon Trail
Jeep Jamboree USA
August 2006 / August 2007
Georgetown is the unoffical launching point for may Rubicon Trail events. The Jeep Jamboree USA event meets at the Buffalo Hill Center parking lot in Georgetown. This is where Jeeps all line up in groups according to tire size. The Jeeps with larger tires go first assuming that they would make the best time over the trail and are not likely hold up the rest of the group.

Pulling out of Georgetown, the group ran up Wentworth Springs Road until it ended at Ice House Road. We turned left and followed Ice House Road to Loon Lake. At the lake, we drove along the top of what appeared to be a dam holding back the lake from washing away the staging area. We turned left and went down into the staging area where we could air-down and disconnect, and generally get ready for the fun to begin.
The trail starts easily enough. There was a significant gatekeeper obstacle, but it has been removed. The trail starts by running over wide expanses of granite and if it were not for the trail leaders, I'm not sure I would have been able to find the trail. The trees gorwing out of the solid rock provide a beautiful contrast. There are some good off camber hills and ledges to gently introduce you to the granddaddy of all off road trails.