Hungry Valley SVRA

OHV Training Area

July, 2004

The trails all have color coded rating markers, and vehicle silhouettes indicating if the trail is open to motorcycles, quads, jeeps, or any combination. The trails are carved into the hillsides and canyons of the park.

The training area consists of a number of different obstacles, usually in varying states of disrepair. The Hill Climb and the Rock Sluice Box are usually in reasonable shape, but the Mud Pit is almost always dry, the Sand Pit is hardly that, and the obstacles in the Frame Twister are mostly buried.

If you are a new driver or just want to check out your rig in a safe place, this is a pretty good place to spend some time. From my many visits to the area, there appears to be a regulary scheduled training session available from a local vendor. I see him with a few new drivers most weekends during the summer.

Trail Ratings Sign
Trail Ratings Sign
Typical Trail
Typical Trail
Training Obstacles
Training Obstacles
Water Trough
Water Trough
Rock Sluice
Rock Sluice
Rock Sluice
Rock Sluice

The Water Trough Course has a nice shell, but not much water. California is almost perpetually in a state of drought so there is usually only water here when it rains.

The Sluice Box Course is a long trail of boulders that will challenge you to ride slow and steady. The course is lined with even larger boulders that threaten the sides of your rig, forcing you to stay focused. The course is not that long and there are a couple of points where you could exit out one of the sides. You should have adequate oil pan protection before you tackle this obstacle.